About us
Branches and leaves nourish the tree; the highest tree is the most most powerful. In business, this function is performed by financial partners, delivering money from customers to the bank, patent attorneys create passive protection, and licensing authorities open new horizons
Legal instruments
They trust us
Icon.Partners is an international lawyers team, providing legal services to IT, FinTech, Blockchain and e-commerce businesses. We are an Estonian-based company with offices in Tallinn (Estonia), Kharkiv and Kyiv (Ukraine)
years of experience
satisfied clients
rated at Upwork
The Icon.Partners symbol is a mighty tree that reflects the key areas of legal support
Bark and trunk — protection and support of the tree. Daily legal support protects from "parasites" and aggressive business environment, extends the life of the company and guarantees its growth
Monthly support
The root is the base of the tree, and the the foundation of the company is not only a strong product and team, but also a legally "packaged" partnership of the founders. Business is not built on the principle "we trust each other" or "we will register the company later". Each participant has a specific role and clearly defined responsibility for mistakes
Business structuring
Before planting a tree, you should find out whether it grows in this region. A balanced business decision is not based on a hypothesis, but on the results of an audit or research. Legal research results. Legal research nourishes business and provides growth potential